Puppetry Direction

When is it time to bring in a Puppetry Director?

Have you selected a show for your season that involves puppetry?  Perhaps you are producing "Avenue Q" and are waiting for your puppets to arrive with anticipation.  Perhaps you have started rehearsals and discovered the puppetry is slightly beyond your vocabulary or experience.  It's time to bring in a puppetry coach.


What is a Puppetry Director?

A puppetry director is similar to a choreographer, vocal coach, or fight director.  

I specialize in working with actors.  My goal is to give actors the tools to translate their acting skills fluently into the object -  to give them some of their impulse freedom back so the puppet can be a tool rather than a road block.

You can learn more about how the UK tour of Avenue Q uses a puppetry coach here:  https://www.bbc.com/news/av/entertainment-arts-46816267/meet-the-avenue-...


Why should we consider you?

I have facilitated puppetry with Mad Cow Theatre, Phantasmagoria Orlando, Valencia College, Rollins College, Daytona State College.  I look forward to supporting you in your puppetry goals as well!

PDF iconPDF icon Lane_Rebekah_Resume_Puppetry.pdf

For more information, please contact me at Rebekah dot Lane at Gmail dot com.